Hi hks,
I can share with you what I usually do in this situation:
Spy the first cell in your table and find the path from the attributes list. This will most likely reveal a path which ends with ""....TD(1)/TR(1)"".
Copy this path into a data item and change the row and column identifiers in the path to something unique, e.g. to a path called ""...TD(XXX)/TR(YYY)"". Next, create a new element in your application modeller, where you once again spy a cell in your table - but set the path to be dynamic (and make sure to disable any attribute linked to the contents of the table).
Now, you can create a read stage which reads from your now ""dynamic cell"" - and the attribute that has to be input to this stage will be the data item with the path. Create a counter (or in this case two), and use Replace([path], YYY, [counter]) as input to the read-stage.
The rest will of course just be setting up the logic on the page. I hope that my explanation makes sense.:)