since ‎14-01-23
a month ago

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In AWD 20.3 the Case Management Task dashboard is limited to only the following fields: Due, Task Name, Case Name and Task Model. These fields do not provide enough information to help identify tasks. Need to be able to include additional fields (e.g...
Due to screen scrolling within Case Management, we demonstrated selecting preferences to show or not show certain Activity Feed elements to client (e.g., Case Events, Task Events, etc).  Client tried and reported that preferences were not being saved...
Currently in 20.3 when creating a new Case or Task then it requires user to select their name to complete. It is desired that the user ID be defaulted to the person creating the Case.  Same issue when Task is created. CASE: When creating a new Case,...
Currently in AWD 20.3 the max length of a manually created variable is limited to 75 characters.  Client has need where they enter up to a 750 character variable text that they need to be included in letter.Within Communications - Data Source Setup, ...