Level 4
since ‎17-04-19

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Hello All, need your help to understand few errors- 1) Internal error : Exception While Performing Java action -Java action failed 2) Internal error : AMI error occured in wait Stage........ External APPMAN reader thread exited before response fro...
Hello All, i am working on a process,which is web based java application.the process is complicated and includes HTML web Page, Web Based java application , Excel .and i used Region mode to spy few Java elements as well. while developing the code i...
Hello All, I am working on web-based java application to copy the data and paste it to excel. i am facing issue with the application sometime the application freezes due to which bp also freeze. if we close the ie window  BP starts working in normal...
Hello All, i am working on a process which will be used by different countries and on different time zone. while working, i got to know few scenarios where we need to work on number calculation and on different excel or csv format and date time. li...
Hello All, i have to schedule a process which will run on 9th of every month and if the 9th is holiday it should run on next working day (please assume 1 condition where 9,10,11 is holiday so bot should run on 12th ) please let me know how i can c...
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