Level 5
since ‎18-04-19

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We noticed something strange with this action, when a column has a mix of numbers and text , the column will be designated as a data type of 'Number' , this will then not upload into the collection any item in the column which has a text value ,Examp...
Hello,We have just started automation against chrome.  Some of the links on the website we are automating against cannot be clicked due to them invoking a java script.To get around this , we are using surface automation to identify the link and then ...
Hello, I've never dabbled in the invoke javascript navigate action.If the webpage has a element with the action --javascript:submitcommand('VIEW_ALL','EXCEL_VIEW') How do I automate to run this script ?Thank You !
Hello,I'm using "{ENTER}" to send the ENTER key to the mainframe , but instead of pressing ENTER, it is sending the keys "114Q"
I'm trying to work out if a certain date in a year would have the hour taken off when converting my LocalTime to a UTC time.What dates does Blue Prism use to ascertain if a date is actually within BST for that year.For example if my localdate is   29...
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