since ‎16-10-23

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Hello all, I am trying to run a simple program where I need to essentially just run an executable file after I have given it some parameters. I know you can go to credentials under security like for the foundations exercise, but I don't think this is...
Hello, I am working through this training and am getting the following error:Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.I saw something...
I am still having this issue where I am not able to view things properly in blueprism and after changes I tried it still looks like the below picture in multiple instances.I have a better understanding about the data staying in the processes and the ...
Hello all,  I have several questions I was trying to get resolved as I am going through this last project for the "foundations" part of learning blue prism. One issue is that I don't see anywhere to change the settings but the height is never correct...