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Level 12
Status: Delivered

Open JDK is OSS alternative to Oracle and might be used in future more often because of Oracle license strategy. 
Although Open JDK should be equivalent to Oracle JDK it is still an independent mirror of Oracle JDK and features could differ to some degree. 

One difference we noticed right away is the absence of WindowsAccessBridge DLL in Windows directories. Although this DLL is located in JRE directory, and might be found following Java Path.

Verification of Blue Prism against Open JDK would be appreciated.
Or at least to search DLL in JRE directory.

Level 2
Hi Blue Prism Team,

Even our Organization  also want to migrate to OpenJDK

So even I've similar question, but I was not sure on relationship between Blue Prism and JDK.

So for automation of Java based application do we need to have JDK or in general as part of Blue Prism installation we get JDK?

If we have to use OpenJDK what and all we need to take care so that we don't have any issues in doing automation.

Your support is highly appreciated in this regard.

Pavan Kumar
Level 3
Since our IT department completely switched to OpenJDK 11, we can no longer read out tables. That's why we urgently need the compatibility of BluePrism and OpenJdk 11.
Level 4
We're experiencing the same issue as Mr. Zbinden.
Level 3
​Same Problem here, since the move to OpenJDK 11 we are not able to interact with the tables of our java application.
Big problem!

there is no way to start affected java app with java 8
Community Team (Retired)
Hi Walter,

Thank you for your idea! Our internal team has reviewed it, and has determined that we Need More Info before we're able to make a decision on how to advance your idea along the lifecycle. 

Specifically, we were wondering if you've already tried this with the  JDK? If so, what were the issues that you encountered?

Thank you,
Level 12
"One difference we noticed right away is the absence of WindowsAccessBridge DLL in Windows directories. Although this DLL is located in JRE directory, and might be found following Java Path."
This means, BP is not able to automate Java application in default installation set-up, since BP expects the DLL in the Windows system directory (like it would be with Oracle Java installation) but the DLL was only in the Program Files folder, that is not used by BP. 
We would have to copy the DLL manualy in the Windows system folder (or I guess it would also work if it was copied in the BP folder). 
It is not possible for us to copy anything to Windows system folders (for security reasons) and do any manual changes to standard software configurations (because of centrally managed and distributed SW). 
> It would be much appreciated if BP could utilize the DLL in the Java folder

Another concern is the forked development of Oracle Java and Open Java. In theory they are the same but practically they are independent (as far as I understood, otherwise it would be still only Oracle Java with different support options) and at some point in time features may start to behave differently, or are available at a different point in time (payed workforce vs OSS workforce)
Level 3
In a java based application that has migrated to OpenJDK from our client, we are experiencing inability to read information from the tables it contains. As we are seeing in the comments, this behavior seems to be non-casual and has been reported previously. For us this circumstance is a very serious problem with our client, who is even considering changing the robotization platform. Since Blue Prism currently does not support OpenJDK.

It would be very important for us to consider this idea.

We are at your disposal for further information
Thank you,

Level 3
@GuillermoParra   fully understand your pain.

Luckely we were able to made a work-around using key-strokes and processing the tables inside RAM/or even in Excel and then reimport them into our Java Program.
May this kind is a solution for you.
pressing thumbs,

greetings tobias​
Community Team
Community Team
Hi Walter, 
Thank you for the additional information.

The internal review team has discussed your idea and we are moving it into the Under Consideration status while we route the idea through our internal review process. 

We will update you as your idea moves along the lifecycle.

Thank you!


Hi @Walter Koller,

I'm happy to confirm that Blue Prism Enterprise 7.2, planned for release March 2023, will be the first version of Blue Prism to support the use of OpenJDK.

Keep an eye out for more on this new release in the coming weeks!

As a result of this I'm marking this idea as Planned - Now.
