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How can I get the BP resource status

Level 4
Hi ,

I need to get the correct status of the BP resource from which table I can get those information. 

also please explain about the following columns in BPAResource table.

Mupps S

Level 15
There is a strong recommendation from Blue Prism against direct querying of the live BP database because of the potential for performance issues caused by it.

For resource pc status the old option used to be command line options (search for them in the product help),  there also be some functionality in the new API server in the latest version.

There is also virtual and desktop tech that your IT provider could provision to monitor specific processes and alert logs on your Blue Prism robot machines to ensure resources are fully available - I know some Blue Prism customers who were doing some smart stuff in that space 10-12 years ago so probably easier products to help with that available today.