Driving Success: Cultivating Cultural Adoption for SS&C Blue Prism Clients' Automation Programs

Learn how cultural adoption can transform your automation programs for long-term success with SS&C Blue Prism's best practices.

Automation is a key driver of efficiency, productivity and competitiveness, and SS&C Blue Prism’s intelligent automation (IA) empowers organizations to streamline operations and drive innovation. However, to have a successful automation initiative, you can’t solely rely on implementing new technology. Cultural adoption plays a pivotal role in this change. For managers overseeing automation projects, prioritizing cultural adoption will help scale your automation program.


Understanding Cultural Adoption

Cultural adoption is more than just integrating new technologies into existing processes; it's about transforming how people work and think within an organization.

If you want to drive sustainable business outcomes with your automation program, consider how you can foster collaboration and innovation within your organization’s culture to get your people on board and help make the technology work better.


The Importance of Cultural Adoption in Automation Programs

Successful automation goes beyond deploying digital workers; it requires a fundamental shift in mindset and behavior across the organization. Cultural adoption is essential for:

Overcoming resistance to change: Change can make people nervous, especially when introducing new technologies. Create cultural adoption initiatives to address employees' concerns. Educate them on the benefits of automation and how it will act as a digital coworker to make their work better, rather than replace their jobs. Promote transparency, provide support and demonstrate the benefits of automation.

Driving employee engagement: Engaged employees are more likely to embrace automation initiatives and contribute positively to their success. Cultural adoption efforts focus on engaging employees at all levels, soliciting their input and involving them in the decision-making process. Plus, their involvement may help you find automation opportunities you might have otherwise missed.

Building a culture of innovation: Automation thrives in an environment that encourages experimentation, creativity and continuous improvement. Cultural adoption initiatives empower employees to explore new ideas, challenge the status quo and leverage automation technologies to drive business value.

Enhancing organizational agility: Automation reduces manual tasks, allowing employees to focus on strategic initiatives and respond rapidly to changes. By fostering a culture of agility and resilience, organizations can respond proactively to opportunities and challenges, positioning themselves for long-term success.


Key Strategies for Cultural Adoption in Automation Programs

Leadership commitment and vision: Leadership plays a pivotal role in driving cultural adoption. Senior executives must champion the automation initiative, articulate a compelling vision and demonstrate commitment to its success.
Leaders should actively engage with employees, communicate the strategic importance of automation and align the initiative with the organization's overall goals and objectives.

Engagement and communication: Effective communication is essential for fostering cultural adoption. Leverage multiple channels to communicate the purpose, benefits and progress of your automation initiative.
Communication should also be a two-way street. Encourage employees to share their feedback, concerns and ideas. Transparent communication builds trust and fosters a sense of ownership among employees.

Change management: Change management is critical for navigating the complexities of cultural transformation. Develop robust change management strategies that address the human aspects of automation adoption, such as how employees will interact with digital workers and the impact automation will have on their day-to-day activities.
Change management involves identifying stakeholders, assessing their readiness for change and developing tailored plans to support them throughout the automation journey.

Training and upskilling:Automation requires employees to acquire new skills and competencies. Invest in comprehensive training and upskilling programs to equip your employees with the knowledge and capabilities they need to succeed in an automated environment.
Training should be continuous and tailored to the specific needs of different roles and functions within the organization.

Celebrating success and recognizing contributions:Celebrate milestones and successes to reinforce positivity and motivate employees. Recognize and reward individuals and teams for their contributions to your automation initiatives.
Recognition can take various forms, including awards, incentives and public acknowledgment. By celebrating successes, you can reinforce a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

Embedding automation into performance metrics:To institutionalize cultural adoption, align your performance metrics and incentives with your automation objectives. Incorporate automation-related key performance indicators (KPIs), performance evaluations and reward systems.
By linking performance metrics to automation outcomes, you can reinforce the importance of automation and create accountability.


Case Studies: Best Practices in Cultural Adoption

Let's explore how two hypothetical organizations, Company A and Company B, approached cultural adoption in their automation programs:

Company A

Leadership commitment: The CEO of Company A was a vocal advocate for automation, regularly communicating its strategic importance to employees.

Engagement and communication: Company A established a dedicated communication task force to disseminate information about automation initiatives and address employees' concerns.

Change management: Company A conducted extensive change management training for employees, focusing on building resilience and adaptability.

Training and upskilling: The HR department launched a comprehensive training program to upskill employees in automation technologies, ensuring they were equipped to embrace change.

Celebrating success: Company A celebrated automation successes through monthly recognition events, showcasing the impact of automation on business outcomes.

Company B

Leadership commitment: The leadership team at Company B led by example, actively participating in automation initiatives and demonstrating their commitment to change.

Engagement and communication: Company B implemented an open-door policy, encouraging employees to voice their opinions and ideas about automation.

Change management: Company B appointed change champions in each department to support employees through the automation journey and address any concerns.

Training and upskilling: Company B partnered with external training providers to offer specialized courses in automation, enabling employees to develop in-demand skills.

Embedding automation into performance metrics: Company B revised its performance evaluation criteria to include automation-related KPIs, emphasizing the importance of automation in achieving business objectives.


Your Takeaway

Cultural adoption is critical for successfully scaling your automation program in the long term. By prioritizing leadership commitment, fostering engagement and communication, implementing robust change management strategies, investing in training and upskilling, celebrating successes and aligning performance metrics, you can cultivate a culture that embraces automation as a catalyst for growth and innovation.

Ultimately, creating a culture of automation will enable your organization to unlock the full potential of technologies like intelligent automation, drive operational excellence and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

To dive deeper into how to effectively manage change in your RPA and intelligent automation initiatives, read our blog on, Best Practices: Change Management in RPA and Intelligent Automation. Implement these best practices to ensure smooth transitions, minimize disruptions, and maximize the impact of your automation programs.