@Jeevan R,
Is that your actual private key value? If so, it's invalid. That' way to short for a Google private key. To answer your question though, the way I typically handle the credential is by making use of Credential Manager. Here's an example:
Regarding your private key value, all you have to do is pull that out of the JSON-encoded credential file that Google makes available when you create the credential in the Google Console.

My private key value, from the first "-" to the trailing "\n" is 1732 characters long. You take those two values (
client_email and
private_key) and use them to populate your Blue Prism Credential Manager entry.
After I have the client_email and private_key values, I create a JWT Bearer token definition in Credential Manager. In reality, you could create a regular
General credential if you wanted to now that the authentication will be handled by the new VBO. You just need a Username and Password value.

Next, in my process, I'll use the native Credential VBO to get the Username and Password value based on the name of the credential.

After that, I call the
Google Cloud - Authentication VBO's
Get Service Account Token action and pass in the Username, Password, my scopes, and the delegated user email address.

From that, I should receive a valid access token. The access token should be about 208'ish characters long.
Hint: If the token is longer, and contains a bunch of periods at the end, it's not a valid token.
Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange