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Is it bad practice to use objects without an application attached?

Level 2

I have created objects (without application attached to Application Modeler) that are working for other objects that do have an application attached. For example, I have an Excel Functions Object that do specific tasks. And I use this Excel object in 2-3 different pages of other objects. My object is basically working like a class being instantiated.

My question would be, is what am doing wrong? Or is it ok? Are there any other ways to do this? I don't want to repeat the code I already have created in one object multiple times.

Thanks in advance!

Oscar Lopez

Best Answers

Level 4
Why would you think that you are doing anything wrong? 

It is perfectly normal to have VBO file that has no Application to be modelled - general purpose function, or APIS that can be used across several processes.

Blue Prism packages several VBOs themselves of same nature - like Utility Collecteions, etc.

Arkady Dudko

View answer in original post


Level 4
Why would you think that you are doing anything wrong? 

It is perfectly normal to have VBO file that has no Application to be modelled - general purpose function, or APIS that can be used across several processes.

Blue Prism packages several VBOs themselves of same nature - like Utility Collecteions, etc.

Arkady Dudko

Thank you for your feedback!

Someone reviewed my bot and made that remark about not using the application modeler, so I was unsure. But thank you for that clarification, I appreciated it!

Oscar Lopez