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Is there a method to get a field in a collection by index without using Loop?

I'm new in BluePrism, I have a collection named ToDate, and it had 1 column named Column1, i want to get the value of the second row, so i try [ToDate.Column1.Row(2)] and it doesn't work, What can i do?

Disclaimer: This content was auto-posted from Stackoverflow. The original Stackoverflow question is here Stackoverflow Post, posted by Medbouk.
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Best Answers

Hi Medbouk,

Thank you for using Blue Prism.

Please take a look at our Digitial Exchange area (DX), there is a VBO called Utility - Collection Manipulation. This provides a lot of extra functionality for working with collections. You should be able to find it here.

You will need to sign up to the DX if you aren't already a member.

I hope this helps, please come back to the forum if you need anything else.


Geoff Hirst
Partner Integrations for the Digital Exchange.

Geoff Hirst
Partner Pre Sales
Blue Prism
Geoff Hirst Senior DX Engineer - Digital Exchange - EMEA SS&C Blue Prism

View answer in original post


Hi Medbouk,

Thank you for using Blue Prism.

Please take a look at our Digitial Exchange area (DX), there is a VBO called Utility - Collection Manipulation. This provides a lot of extra functionality for working with collections. You should be able to find it here.

You will need to sign up to the DX if you aren't already a member.

I hope this helps, please come back to the forum if you need anything else.


Geoff Hirst
Partner Integrations for the Digital Exchange.

Geoff Hirst
Partner Pre Sales
Blue Prism
Geoff Hirst Senior DX Engineer - Digital Exchange - EMEA SS&C Blue Prism

Level 3
Try to filter your collection with some criteria and result of it is your value in Row 1 of 1

raviteja chintala


to make it even more explicit as Geoff wrote you need to use Utility - Collection Manipulation VBO. There is an action Read Collection Field. You need to enter values for Input and Output (to get the value) tabs. See two screen shots below.




Zdeněk Kabátek
Head of Professional Services

What should be done if the row index is variable(i.e there are multiple rows in the collection) ?
We cannot hardcode the row index value in that case.

Manas Karlekar

Hi Manas,

Thank you for using Blue Prism and for being a SSC Blue Prism customer.

It sounds like what you require is the ability to address the rows/columns of a collection as a grid? Would that be a fair statement?

If so, you may need to consider using a code stage to read the collection data into a 2-dimensional array and process the data this way. Alternatively, you may be able to create a class that matches the signature of your collection row and create a generic list using that class.

I am interested to understand why you are unable to use a loop, given that collections are usually aimed at being processed inside of loop constructs.

Please come back to us if you are unable to resolve your problem or need further assistance.

Once again, thank you for being a SSC Blue Prism customer and for using Blue Prism.


Geoff Hirst
Senior DX Engineer - Digital Exchange - EMEA
SS&C Blue Prism
Geoff Hirst Senior DX Engineer - Digital Exchange - EMEA SS&C Blue Prism


As an aside from my previous comment, you could use a data item as a number iterator and that could act as your collection index, you can then freely update that using a calculation stage.

Does this help?


Geoff Hirst
Senior DX Engineer - Digital Exchange - EMEA
SS&C Blue Prism
Geoff Hirst Senior DX Engineer - Digital Exchange - EMEA SS&C Blue Prism