13-08-19 01:09 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to use Splunk to monitor all BP process, can see every process and stage and so on,
but can't filter where is the process terminated or not. (i can see when is terminate ) ,
can anyone do small tips on how to show completed or terminated process on the Splunk?
13-08-19 03:11 PM
14-08-19 12:00 PM
Thanks for sharing, i kind of new to splunk
i have this data from BP log
currprocessid: 1c808a33-3c5a-4c88-a189-1c2b07968d01
currprocessname: Logout
currprocesstype: 0
eventId: endProcess
mainprocessid: 1c808a33-3c5a-4c88-a189-1c2b07968d01
mainprocessname: Logout
pageid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
pagename: Main Page
resourceName: HP20062703
sessionNumber: 2677
sessionid: 96f9421d-1b82-4e89-a5d3-7824d50708b8
stageid: 1e575b0c-7b9f-4c63-a376-8582dd8f27f2
stagename: End
when: 2019-08-14T10:54:41.6449175Z
what I'm trying to get in a table is when started and finished, resourse name, process name, and status.
source="BP" | spath eventId | search eventId=startProcess| spath when | search when="*" | top limit=20
i can find when is every process started but cant compind with Compeleted or terminated .
if you have tips how to query them it will be great.
Thanks in advance
14-08-19 05:33 PM
source="BP" | eval t = when | eval time=strptime(t,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%Q%Z")| dedup 1 sessioNumber sortby -time | eval Status=case(eventId="endProcess", "Completed")| table mainprocessname, eventId , Status
You can terminate a process and examine the log than add it to case above (would be helpful if you paste that event here). Basically it's examining the last event of a session.
15-08-19 09:29 AM
thanks, it works great, what do you think is best to find the running ones (compare time on the same sessionid?)