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Accessing Credentials from within Business Object

Level 4
When I try to Credentials->Get from within the BO, it says that the BO does not have permission to access the credentials needed. In System->Credentials, when I open the credential and go to Access Rights->Processes tab, only processes are listed and not the BO.  The PC I'm using is listed and checked under the Resources tab, Did the accessing of credentials change in the latest BP release? If I step into the BO from the calling process, passing the credential values, I can stop it where I need it and try to model more UI elements, but that doesn't get saved when I exit the BO (ad hoc) and process. So the question is:  How do I get credentials from within the BO so that I can log into the site and continue with the Application Modeller?

You need to get the credentials in the process and pass them as inputs to the object. If you change the object while stepping through, it should prompt you to save your changes. If you've only made App Modeller changes, then try inducing the Save popup by slightly moving a piece in the diagram.

Level 4
Thank you John for the suggestion.. When I'm in the object (coming in from the process with the credentials data), I cannot move any stage in any of the pages of the object.  They appear locked and I cannot induce a Save dialog (only App Modeller changes made).  So I'm still stuck where I was (not able to make and save changes to the object model).

Make sure the process is the only open diagram when you start stepping, and make sure nobody else is working on the object you want to change. You should be able to step into the object and make in-flight edits.

Level 4
John you were correct.  Closing the edit window of the object, then stepping into it from the process, I can save the changes made in the App Modeller now.  Thanks!