I believe the Start is waiting on a response from the browser before continuing. My VBOs are not large. Denis, when you asked if logging is enabled on the ""object"", what object do you mean? rajatsharma, where can I find a Sleep stage?
Below is an example of what is happening:
Process Studio, Action1: Navigate: Click Centre on a ""Save"" button in the browser near the end of its object. Doing so returns a paginated list of search result items in the browser (25 per page, but has 45k+ total items). I have a Wait stage to check that the document is loaded, it continues to my manual Wait of 5 seconds, then goes to the End stage.
Process Studio, Action 2: The Start stage begins, hangs for 1-2 minutes before successfully continuing to another Navigate: Click Centre action on a button.
Is Blue Prism still waiting in the background somewhere for that large paginated result set to return? I'm not sure to handle that... i.e. I would like to force it to stop loading after the first page, but I think it might be a conflict with how that browser based app handles queries of its data versus how Blue Prism handles continuing on when in ""Play"" mode.