06-05-19 05:23 PM
04-12-20 10:50 PM
07-12-20 07:00 PM
07-12-20 07:05 PM
Agreed on the AA comments there.
Match Reverse sounds like another "idea" to post, if that's how they track implementation requests now. 😛
09-12-20 10:38 AM
09-12-20 04:15 PM
09-12-20 05:38 PM
12-12-20 03:53 AM
07-01-22 06:03 AM
hi @AmiBarrett
One of my colleagues was facing similar issue where AA was not appearing as a mode in chrome. So, I suggested the above method to her. And now she gets the AA mode, but still nothing inside the webpage is getting identified by AA. Only outside the webpage, like the URL bar (in chrome), it is able to indentify.
Can you please guide?
Alimuddin Muzammil Quazi
Senior Analyst
07-01-22 06:07 AM
In case of AA mode issue existing on a specific machine, re-registering the OLEACC.DLL can also be tried. I found this solution on BP portal while searching for AA mode troubleshooting measures. I have saved this information in a word document for ready reference. Attaching the same here.
12-01-22 02:14 PM