Hello all,Blue Prism does not specify a port on the request to the Active Directory server, so it utilizes the default port for the LDAP protocol (389).A recent security finding has identified that applications connecting to Windows Active Directory LDAP over a non-secure port 389 are vulnerable to attacks. To mitigate and completely resolve the security finding prior to the mandatory Microsoft Security Patch due in March 2020 (https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/4520412/2020-ldap-channel-binding-and-ldap-signing-requirement-for-windows)
In E1/E2/E3 the requests to lDAP on port 389 will be nullified after Patch in March.Application teams will need to modify their connections to a secure LDAP using port 636, any team implemented this on their environment?Regards,Atukuri------------------------------
Nagarjuna Atukuri