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Attchment not sent using Mapiex, Send mail action.

Level 2
Hi I was tried to send Attachment by using Mapiex, Send mail action but it's not working effectively, out of 10 success rate is only 4, what is the problem this attachment I can't understand, please help me.

Level 15
Are you saying it successfully sent the email 10 out 10 times but only included the attachment 4 out of 10 times? If the former, then I have no idea because I've never seen MAPIEx fail to attach. If the latter, then it's because MAPIEx is the worst and I'd switch to using any other solution (Outlook VBO, SMTP, Postal Service...).

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

Level 15
Really wish we could edit posts. I typed that too fast. By 'former', I mean if the email sent successfully 10 times but only succeeding in including the attachment 4 of those times. By 'latter', I mean if the email sent successfully only 4 out of 10 times.

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company