20-04-16 04:42 PM
25-07-16 02:41 PM
Every time a sub-process is called it is created anew in memory and destroyed (hopefully fully) when it ends. If your sub-process is being called for every case than this is very inefficient in memory and database use (having to poll for the entire process every time). Alternatively an object is just created once and remains in memory for next use.I have a task for a customer to create a master process, that will govern each of their core business processes. Understandably they have created processes, not an object to do this. Can you please clear up memory usage when calling sub-processes? Is their a datasheet in your library that you could point towards? - Tom
29-07-16 03:27 AM
04-11-16 09:09 PM
Every time a sub-process is called it is created anew in memory and destroyed (hopefully fully) when it ends. If your sub-process is being called for every case than this is very inefficient in memory and database use (having to poll for the entire process every time). Alternatively an object is just created once and remains in memory for next use.How does this effect scope, out of curiosity? For instance, an object invoked from [Process]->[Object_A] compared to [Process]->[Some_Object]->[Object_A] Is the base object still loaded, but different data scopes are used, or is it an entirely new instance of Object_A? I'm curious because we actually have a few internal reference and external reference recursive object calls that use the idea of Object scope to have different active attachments or data sets.
07-11-16 02:21 PM
16-11-16 08:12 PM
17-11-16 08:16 PM
29-05-20 05:31 PM