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BP upgrade issues

Level 3

Hi all,

We've had a lot of woes updating from 6.10.5 to 7.3 - we've not been able to update the database after the install, we keep getting a timeout error.

We got our DBA to run the generated script to update db, but after an hour it ended with an illegal mxl character.
When checking again the database version number had bumped up somewhat so it was working, and the new generated script was a lot smaller. Ran the new one and nothing happened after an hour. (apparently only needed to get from db version 531 to 533)
I've raised a ticket to our vendor but wonder if anyone had any similar issues and how to proceed;

2 questions -

1, any idea how to proceed
2 - Can we still rollback correctly at our end to a backup of the db taken before the update, even though we've (partially) updated the database




Level 3

Hi James. We ran into this same thing when doing the 7.3 upgrade. We had to open a ticket to receive some replace/detect scripts which when ran in combination with the existing upgrade script, would finally allow the db upgrade to go through. I had this issue back in November/December though, I'm surprised this hasn't been fixed. Maybe the 7.3.1` installer has it fixed? 

Hi @james.keefe 

We had the same issue, we had these when running the automated db upgrade through the application. To resolve it we had to contact our database team and restore the back up taken before we started the upgrade and reinstall version 6.10. Once that was done we redid the application installation and instead of running the upgrade through the application we generated the scripts and passed them to the database team who then manually run these scripts. Once that was done it seemed to work fine.


Hi James,

The issue was fixed in 7.3.1. For 7.3.0, you can refer to the following KB article for a resolution.

Level 3

Thanks for the responses. I've done a few upgrades in the past without issue, this one was stressful to say the least... our dba team successfully rolled back the db so we're back on 6.10.5 now, will look at 7.3.1 instead of 7.3 if we're going to have this issue again, as our db sizes are quite large anyway... wish me luck!