Sometimes during development you'll have a long list of field names to enter into BP that you know will be painful to type in and you're likely to make mistakes. But knowing that BP diagrams are based on XML, there are workarounds for faster and accurate data entry.
For example, if you paste a collection into a text editor capable of formatting XML (eg Notepad++), you'll begin to understand how the XML is structured. And importantly, you can also edit the XML and paste back into BP - obviously the XML has to be valid, but BP will not let you paste 'bad XML' back into the diagram.
Once you realise this copy-edit-paste trick works, it opens up possibilities to save time, and the attached Excel is a an example tool you can use with long lists of fields.
Collection Field NamesHere you'll see a collection and its corresponding XML.

Now lets imagine the collection needs to have 50 fields. Rather than enter them manually, you could paste them into the 'Names and Types' page of the Excel tool and use the formulas on the 'Collection Field XML' page to generate the XML necessary for BP collection fields.
Then you can replace the old field elements with the new elements by simply pasting from Excel into the text editor (Note - the indentation/whitespace doesn't matter).

Then copy all the XML from the text editor back into BP. Your collection now has 50 fields!

This hack isn't worth the effort for a handful of fields but it can save you a lot of pain when setting up a large collection.
NOTE: the attachment is provided 'as is' and is not an officially supported BP product. Feel free to use it as you see fit.