We have a process we are planning to automate using Blue Prism Desktop 1.1.1 and part of the process is to import a file in excel. The path and file name is important meta-data used downstream in the process. Using BPD, we can add a Binary data type to an Input step which allows a user to browse and locate a file. The BPD interface shows the path and file name that is selected but when submitting the Input action, all of the meta-data of the path and file name are not retained when the Binary item is imported. To work around this, we plan on adding a simple text data item field that the user will provide the full path and file name that needs to be imported. A separate action will then handle the file using traditional File management utility for the name and file path information.
The user experience of this workaround isn't ideal and we are looking for a way to either obtain the meta-data from the Binary blob, if it is available in BP, or to allow a text data item to use File explorer in the same manner that a Binary data item does.
Any assistance would be appreciated. Screenshot below is showing the text field workaround we are planning on using and the Binary data field with a file selected in Blue Prism Desktop -debug