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Forum Posts

Resolved! BMIUtilisationMonthly ... history has only EoM figures

Hello,I wanted to use the statistics table BMIUtilisationMonthly to get historic figures for the past years. When querying the table I noticed only the December is available for previous months and all months for the current year. The list of year & ...

Decipher Get Metadata: Login failed for user

Hi, We encountered an error "Login failed for user:" while getting the Batch Metadata in Decipher.  We've been troubleshooting this issue for the past weeks but could not get it to work.  Has anyone encountered this issue and any solution?

Get Metadata.png

Resolved! Decipher Error During Installation

Hi,I am installing Decipher IDP 2.2 in our development environment. So far I have installed all pre-requisites and decipher components. All 4 services are running. So far, I have set-up the Decipher binding. But when I launch the Decipher Website, I ...

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dsa206 by Level 4
  • 2 replies

Multiple Images in same document for data extraction

Hi All,I have a query regarding document data extraction. I have a scenario where i have got multiple images of ID card present in a single file(May be in first and last page). Will decipher always get the matching template at the first occurence? in...

Decipher - How to ignore everything after the first page

Basically, we have trained Decipher on some documents that are single page and multi page, yet Decipher keeps going back to look at the second page even though all the values it needs are on the first. Is there a DFD flag or something I can set to ig...

isohrob by Level 2
  • 4 replies

Decipher que - Installation

Hi Team,Can we remove and reinstall Erlang and Rabbit MQ after complete Decipher installation?Does it require the complete removal of Decipher and reinstall once new Rabbit and Erlang installed?

Running BluePrism 7.1 in Azure AVD Multi-Session

Is it possible to run BluePrism 7.1 in Azure AVD Multi-Session(shared) desktop, or will it only work with persistent desktops? We will be upgrading to 7.3 soon as well.Is someone doing this today successfully?Thank you in advance.Jake

Timeout Errors in BP

We all are getting the Timeout Errors in BP on anything we do:  trying to view the jobs, maximize the screen, etc.

bpscion by Level 2
  • 2 replies

PDF Management release

Hi everyone,I just downloaded the pdf management release, and it is pretty simple.When running the action extract all text for page to file, I get the error below:Internal : Could not run the object because one of the code stages has a compile error,...

Mahrous by Level 2
  • 0 replies

Drag and drop issue clarification

​hi,  We are experiencing an issue with drag and drop where it starts to "drag" from the starting coordinates but then stops in between before the drop action is called. As a result we are getting much smaller box around the text region for linking w...