Hello guys.
Here in Portugal we are planning our first Blue Prism Infrastructure for development and production environments. We will use remote tools in order to allow the access to the Interactive Clients (VM) by our developers. I have three doubts that Blue Prism guides did not clarify me and maybe some of you can help me in these topics:
1) We have created a Blue Prism DB in production environment, and we will replicate the DB in development environment. We need two different Application Servers to interact with the different DBs or we can just change the DB in App Server? We also need two Interactive Clients (one configured for Development and another for Production) ?
2) Our developers will access Interactive Client via a remote tool. Is it a Blue Prism Requirement to have a Interactive Client per developer, or the developers can share the same Interactive Client?
3) If we separate the Runtime Resource and the Interactive Client in different machines, i've read that a Blue Prism Runtime Resource needs to be configured to run on Windows logon. So, in order to have everything automated, we have to configure Blue Prism Login Agent in the Runtime Resource?
Thank you very much for your time,
Best regards.