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Whether blueprism collection can hold 2,50,000 records with 15 columns?

Level 2
We are manipulating excel and getting data into 3 collections and these collections should hold 2,50,000 records with 15 columns. Could you please advise us that the collection is able to hold this huge data?

In theory the size of a collection is limitless. In practice the capability of the PC (disk, RAM, CPU, network bandwidth etc) will limit what is possible. Process design also plays a part, eg if a large collection is being passed around from page to page or process to object, then you might be instantiating multiple copies of an already large chunk of data. If you experience memory problems then I'd recommend using OLEDB to query the Excel files rather than reading whole sheets into a process and looping through them.…

Level 2
Hi, Thanks for the information. But I could not see connection string input parameter in ""Data-Oledb"" object action. Please help. For your information I am using BP version

Level 4
Can't see it either, probably some older versions of Oledb object. But you can update it by yourself, simply add 'Connection string' input into 'Set connection' action (store it in 'Connection string' data item on Initial page) and on a same page create new Decision stage right after Start with value [Connection String]"""". If No then continue to Decision 'Provider Set?' if Yes go to End (without this it will rewrite your connection string every time) Tested and working, thank you so much John, I was always using local odbc db, but it is way better