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Blue Prism Sever fails to start automatically after system reboot

Level 3
Hello everyone! We have Windows Server 2012 R2. MS SQL 2012 and Blue Prism Sever is installed on this machine. Blue Prism Sever service is configured to start automatically and to log on as Local System account. After system reboot, service fails to start. The log message is the following: Service cannot be started. BluePrism.BPCoreLib.InvalidStateException: Connection not valid: Connection failed - Unable to determine whether database exists - Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. at BPServer.clsBPServer.Start(ServerConfig cfg) at BPServer.ServerService.DoStart(String[] args) at BPServer.ServerService.OnStart(String[] args) at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state) When I'm start service manually (not changing its settings) - it's starts successfully. What could be the reason of this issue? I've been running through knowledge base and other forum topics and it is seems that everything is configured fine according to published recommendations. Thanks for any help.

Unable to determine whether database exists"" - this indicates either that the connection details the BP service is trying to use are incorrect or, if they are correct, then maybe SQL Server is not running. Could it be that SQL is not yet ready?

John, thanks for responding! Regarding ""connection details the BP service"" - It should be right as i can start service manually. Regarding ""Could it be that SQL is not yet ready"" So, I've just restarted the server again to see the order of services that was started. Windows logs are the following: 11.13.38 - SQL Server is now ready for client connections. This is an informational message; no user action is required. 11.14.08 - Starting up database 'blueprism'. 11.14.09 - Service cannot be started. BluePrism.BPCoreLib.InvalidStateException... We can see that BP server is trying to connect after database is became ready.

Hmmm OK, so SQL is running and available. So next could it be something wrong with the BP Server set up or authentication? But the service starts OK manually - could it be the local system account? Maybe it would be worth asking our support team.

Level 5
I'd start by looking at the permissions on the BP Database. We have a slightly different setup (separate BP App and SQL Servers), but we had to add a domain account to the BP Server Service and give it elevated permissions to the BP database via the SQL Management Studio.

Level 3
SteveBoomer, John, Thank you! I'll try to use domain account, and come back here with results.

Level 3
So, Instead of using domain account i decided to use local user account at first. For example .\Robot. I added this account to Security\Logins in SQL Management Studio with Windows Authentication and set server role Public. Then I have changed log on settings on Blue Prism server from Local System account to .\Robot. After reboot service starts successfully. Thanks to all for help!