28-12-20 06:13 PM
I am doing a web automation, and the business process requires to start another activity after the downloaded file is completed from the web after clicking the run.
In UIPATH, there is an activity called "Wait for Download". I was looking for a similar activity on the Blue Prism. Could you please help me with this. Appreciate your help.
29-12-20 08:54 AM
For achieving such a functionality in blue prism, please use action "File Exists" of "Utility-File Management". You can create a loop to check after every 5seconds (or whatever time you want to put depending on size of the file to download) and once you get the output as "True" i.e. the file now exists, you can perform your next set of actions.
30-12-20 02:32 AM
Hi Ritansh,
Thanks for answering.
Since the name of the downloaded file is not known and the File exists functionality looks for an exact file name. Do you have any other recommendation in this case ?
30-12-20 03:10 PM
There may be a way to get the file name before you download it. If you're using internet explorer, you can use active accessibility to read the yellow download prompt at the bottom of the window. Otherwise you might try checking whichever download link you're using to see if you can extract the file name that way.
If neither of those work, then you can still determine the downloaded file by checking the folder in which it is being downloaded before the download takes place and again after the download has commenced. The new file should be yours. Keep in mind that browsers usually download to a temporary file before renaming it to the file name it should be. For example, if I were downloading an Excel file, I might see "report.partial" appear until the download is completed, after which "report.xlsx" would be present.
05-01-21 10:27 PM
08-01-21 05:04 PM
11-01-21 02:55 PM