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Browser (Chrome) not attached to BP after being launched on repeated debug run

Level 2


I have been stuck with an annoying problem for several days now and have not found a solution yet.

The thing is: I am using Blue Prism for automating a web app. I am using Google Chrome (launching a locally stored chrome.exe file).

The first time I launch chrome as the first step (action) of my long process (sequence of actions), it works correctly and proceeds to next steps.
The second time i run the process (after first debug run crashes on an error many steps after the launch), it launches chrome.exe and lands on the provided URL, but wait goes to timeout, because on the page, it cannot find the HTML element it was looking for (in this case an editable text box for e-mail credential).

This is probably due to not being attached correctly to BP (maybe the old instance/id/key of Chrome is still being stored somewhere in the background of the BP app, but I have not found any proof). Maybe it needs to be released before launching the app again or something...

Every time, I click reset and refresh before running it again, but it doesn't help. I even tried to find a way how to kill any background running chrome.exe process manually in Windows before running the debug again, but it doesn't help anyway.

This is super annoying for debugging - every time I want to run/debug the whole process, I have to close all 3 BP windows, run BP, log in and reopen them again. Only then (after restarting BP) my first step (Launch chrome.exe) executes correctly and the process proceeds to the next steps.

Do you know what the reason could be?

Another question would be: how to pass the id/handle/instance key of Chrome.exe between different functions / pages? I would like to attach the already launched chrome.exe instance to BP before running an action.

If there is any official documentation of BP (apart from the in-built one), please share as well!

Thank you very much for any ideas or help you can provide!

Daniel Talaj

Hi, Daniel,

when you close your process studio and open it it works again? When you open application modeller after launching Chrome for second time can you highlight the element for credentials? If not can you respy it and see the differences? Or you can't spy it this time at all? 

Try to detach and attach using process name "chrome" and window title (probably Login).


Zdeněk Kabátek
Head of Professional Services

Hello, Zdeněk!

Thank you very much for your effort!

For some reason, it started to work correctly without any intentional intervention from my side.

Believe me, it is just as strange to me as it might sound to you. My response was delayed because I wanted to double check on this first, too.

I think this might be related to the only change I made / I can think of - I switched from BP Full Trial 30 day version to 90 days learning edition, imported my VBO and Process from XML files that I have previously exported from the 30 day trial version.
EDIT (note): Howerer, I switched to Learning edition for a different reason - I did not do it to try to solve my problem mentioned in the first message.

The files were the same, it did not work on the 30 day trial (as I described), it is working now on the 90 days learning edition - probably this might help you with finding a bug.

Kind regards!


Daniel Talaj