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Citrix open more then one instance of applications

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Hi, I am working with two applications within Citrix and I have an issue that when Robot opens Citrix environment, applications run automatically. It has no pattern how many of instances are being open. One time it is 3 and another 7. Is there any solution to open this apps only when robot choose an icon ? I tried to disconnect connections in Citrix Connection Center and did not help. I also tried to kill all processes with the same result.  Thanks

Level 15
Are these application running within a Citrix desktop (XenDesktop) or are they running as just Citrix applicaitons (XenApp)?   If within the desktop and you are saying you have too many instances of the applications open within the desktop - that is for you to build a Citrix Desktop windows application that uses Surface Automation that has actions to close applications, navigate between applications, only launch one application etc...  If you are talking about XenApp I am not sure I understand the question fully?

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Applications running as just Citrix (XenApp and Active Directory). Robot first open Citrix and then want to open those applications. Instances are launching automatically after opening Citrix and as I wrote above there are many of them.  

Level 15
So you open the Citrix app (either a windows app or browser app - both exist) that is used to start Citrix XenApp applications.  And you are finding that that Citrix application is automatically opening your application multiple times??  That is either some configuration within Citrix XenApp not working correctly, or your launch logic is not working correctly (do you have some kind of retry loop that tries the launch again on failure but has not been configured correctly so it is trying again when it does not need to)?

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That's right.I do not think it is configuration, this issue occures even with stepping over launching only citrix app (without launching others). I do not have a retry loop to launch single app. When something failed Robot kill all applications and try again. After killing applications it happens again. 

Level 15
Maybe killing the apps is having some kind of impact - maybe try cleanly exiting applications if there is an issue (using whatever logout/exit options are available).  It is always best to exit as a user would rather than killing - only kill if other options fail.

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Thank You for Your advices. I changed the method to close those application like human would do by clicking on exit button. It resolved problem with multiple instances.