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Code Stage Output Parameter not working

Level 4
Hello All,

I am using code stage using and  I have written some code for filter.
This will return data into DataTable variable.

But when I am defining it in Output parameter it throwing some error.
Below is the part of code :

string strSummaryFileName = "C:\\BankOfSingapore\\HongKong\\Input\\Headcount Summary\\v2 Headcount Summary (LnD)_with Staff Movement.XLSX";
strSummaryFileName = "C:\\BankOfSingapore\\HongKong\\Input\\Headcount Summary\\v2 Headcount Summary (LnD)_with Staff Movement.XLSX";/ 
string strFunctionalTitleFileNm = "C:\\BankOfSingapore\\HongKong\\Input\\Functional title\\Functional Title.xlsx";        
string strTitleSheetName = "M2 Only";       
string strFileExtension = ".xlsx";           
DataTable dtHeadCountSummary = ReadHeadCountSheet(strSummaryFileName, strFileExtension);           
DataTable dtFormatedSummary = ChangeTheHeaderNm(dtHeadCountSummary);           
DataTable dtFunctionalTitle = ReadFunctionalTitle(strFunctionalTitleFileNm, strTitleSheetName, strFileExtension);           
DataTable dtReportData = FilterHeadCountSheet(dtFormatedSummary, dtFunctionalTitle); }

dtReportData -->This is the DataTable that i want as collection out from Code stage into BluePrism.

This is the is Output Varaiable:

This is the ereor message:

1.Compiler error at line 8: A local variable named 'dtReportData' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'dtReportData', which is already used in a 'parent or current' scope to denote something else

2.Description: Compiler warning at line 35: The variable 'ex' is declared but never used
Repairable: No

Can anyone knows what is the issue here?

Thanks in advance

Mohini Shelke
RPA Developer
vElement It

dtReportData is declared twice, once in your code and once as the output. Effectively what BP does is to create a method like this:

Sub Code1(Byval MyInput As String, ByRef MyOutput As Boolean)
 *your code here*
End Sub

So you can't declare a variable with the same name as one of the inputs or ouputs. So all you need to do is remove the word DataTable from the start of your last line.

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism