We've noticed a data type cast difference in V6.4 with V6.8 and later versions.

Here my DateTime data item is empty and no value is set. When I save that to a Text data item is populates a kind of default value "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM" even though the original DataTime is empty which sounds weird.
While doing the same thing in BP V6.4 it returns blank in the Text data item which makes sense.
Has anybody seen this before? Because this is causing process failure in V6.8 which was designed in V6.4 because the expression is the same but Blue prism behavior for data conversion has changed.
I checked all release notes but could not find anything regarding this in known issues or so, hence looking for guidance and help.
Thanks & Regards,
Tejaskumar Darji
Sr. RPA Consultant-Automation Developer