04-11-21 05:48 PM
I'm trying to train the capture model but it is not working. How long does it take to train? I've been trying since yesterday and it still did not updated the training date.
05-11-21 08:05 AM
05-11-21 11:18 AM
Hello Ben!
Yes, I have enabled the ML training.
The idea of having 10 documents as universe, was just to test if the ML is making any progress (even if minimal)
The configuration we intent to use for production would be 500 docs as training size and periodic of every 20 (because we have lots of different layouts that need to be updated overtime)
I've noticed that the "Last trained" field is still N/A (and I've added a few documents after the ss above), but yesterday some of the documents have showed a good capture in one of the batches, and then on the next one it was really bad... is this expected?
Sorry if I'm asking too much stuff, but it is my first time working with Decipher (with any OCR platform, to be honest)
I've completed the Decipher foundation training but I still have doubts and I don't know if there's some place else to ask for help.
It would be really good to have a talk over skype / teams / zoom with someone who understands decipher really well, to get some orientations and clarifications, is this possible?
05-11-21 11:35 AM
05-11-21 12:20 PM
I've checked the troubleshooting page as you mentioned and found that the Data Capture Client log does not have the statements of ML initialization.
I've already restarted the services in the order you said and now it is initializing the ML. I think this will probably solve the problem.
Thanks 😄