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Decipher Multi-Device Deployment Issue

Level 2

We've implemented Decipher in our development environment.   All Decipher components are installed on the same application server, with the exception of the Decipher Automated Client, which is installed on the runtime.

When running a test, the process fails at the "create batch" action, with the error "ERROR: Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Unable to create batch: None of the specified endpoints were reachable"

Connectivity is in place on the required ports.

One thing which hasn't been done (and I don't know if it has to be) is the instruction under

There is no rabbitMQ folder or advanced.config file on the runtime, as mentioned in that part of the guide.   In addition, the section for "create new RabbitMQ user and set permissions" references navigating to http://localhost:15672/, but that doesn't appear to work either.

Mike Johnson
Automation Architect
CGI IT UK Limited

Hi Mike,

You should have the advanced.config file on the machine that has RabbitMQ installed. This should be the machine where you installed the Decipher Web Client.  The reason you need this is because RabbitMQ, starting in a previous version, does not allow the default user (guest/guest) to communicate over anything but localhost for security reasons, and you're now in a situation where you're doing some cross-machine communication.  However, some of the Decipher components that will always be on the same server (namely what's installed with the Web Client) do communicate on localhost.  By adding the name of the server in advanced.config, it's able to communicate the correct name.

For the URL you're not able to get to, you need enable the RabbitMQ Management Console.  To do so, open the RabbitMQ Command Prompt (which you'll find in the RabbitMQ group in the start menu) and execute this:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management​

Again, this would be on the same server in which you installed the Web Client.

I image these will be addressed within the installers in a future release, but I'll send this to our documentation folks to make these clarifications on the page you reference above.

Hope this helps,

Paul Branson
Sr. Solution Engineer
Blue Prism

Hi Paul

Thanks for the reply.  I've successfully enabled the RabbitMQ Management Console. 

Where I'm still struggling is with the advanced.config file.  The install guide says the file is under Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/RabbitMQ.    Which username though?   Does this have to be for all users who use it?   I see there is one there for my admin user account, which I used to install the software with, but what then happens if that account's profile is deleted and the file along with it?  

Michael Johnson
Automation Architect
CGI IT UK Limited

Hi Michael,

Apologies for not responding sooner.  Yet another inbox!  I did some testing with my install for this and can confirm that it is tied to an account, which would be the account that was used to perform the installation.  And yes, you are correct that it would cause issues if you were to delete that account.  However, these are all just variables set within RabbitMQ so they're configurable.  I've raised this up to the product group to see if a supported way to change this can be provided.  I'll reply back if I hear anything solid.


Paul Branson
Sr. Solution Engineer
Blue Prism