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Decipher-facing issue while verifying the data

Level 4
I am working on Decipher for invoice process. so I am able to upload the invoice but i am not able to verify the data because the data is not populated  in required fields. PFA and let me know how i can resolve the issue.
Thank you in advance.

Nistha Agarwal


Hi Nistha,

Have you completed the introduction to Decipher IDP course on Blue Prism University? This course is designed to get you up and running quickly; I think it will also help with your query.

To verify the document, you select the field in the middle panel and then click on the respective region in the document on the right.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons Senior Product Specialist - Decipher SS&C Blue Prism UK based

Hi @Ben.Lyons1
Thank you for replying me. yes I followed the Decipher IDP foundation training course ​for installation and configuration of Decipher. For Data verification i tried with Right click->Refresh region (respective region)
But it is also not working.
Is there any need to create ML model for data verification??

Nistha Agarwal

Hi Nistha,

Without any prior training, Decipher will not automatically identify fields. You need to manually select the field E.g. "Vendor Name", then select the corresponding region in the document. Do this for each field and click submit.

Each document you manually annotate like this will train decipher and it will start to automatically recognise these fields.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons Senior Product Specialist - Decipher SS&C Blue Prism UK based

Hi @Ben.Lyons1
Thank you for support. But when I am using format Expression, ​it is able to extract the data into the required field. And when there is no expression it is not able to extract the data even after training. What could be the possible solution so that I can resolve the issue. 
PFA I am using Expression for PO Number and Due date so it is Extracting these values based on  Regex Expression.

Nistha Agarwal

Hi Nistha,

There is nothing obviously incorrect in your configuration. However, it's difficult for me to give anything more concrete without having been a part of the training.

I would expect Decipher to be able to read the form without issue. Can I assume the low resolution of your screenshot is not reflective of a low resolution image being used in Decipher? (because I can't read the document at all in the screen shot)

If it works by including the regex, then I would keep it in. Does this cause any issues?


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons Senior Product Specialist - Decipher SS&C Blue Prism UK based

It is not about the resolution because when we tried manually it is able to read the data. will it work without regex ?

Nistha Agarwal


It seems like it should, but I can't offer an explanation why it isn't.

If you want to raise it as an issue, please create a new support ticket and we can investigate further.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons Senior Product Specialist - Decipher SS&C Blue Prism UK based

Hi  Nishitha
I think I too faced same kind of issue later i under stood that it is due to language setting what i have done ,  
Try below things  
1. keep your mouse on any region and  check it is show the value  as popup on your mouse pointer.
2. while annotating a filed in middle pane ,  instead of  just click you can resize the region on 3rd pane.
3.  Also check language setting you have marked in  Document type and batch type you created .

Krishna Elapavuluri RPA Solution Lead
TEchnology Consultant

Hi @Ben.Lyons1
I have created support ticket for the same .Thank you for support​

Nistha Agarwal