I'm trying to delete session logs from the database named BPASessionLog_Unicode, as we have some strict GDPR-rules we wan't to abide by, and as this database is getting quite large. We've made a process for handling this, using AutomateC, but this doesn't seem to work.
The argument is as follows "
/archive /user "username" "password" /process "processname" /age "90d" /delete".
What decides which database is being deleted from? Are both databases - Unicode and NonUnicode - being trimmed? Are we using the function wrong?
I've checked the database and still find data back over a year, tho we have used this process every week for a large portion of the year. The date coincides with when we upgraded Blue Prism, so there is something there, tho we can't find the link.
Help is appreciated.
Endre Lunde