I reckon the way to go is via
@ManpreetKaur4's latest suggestion. There should always be a WorkQ item as this is the easy way for you or a ProcessController to check progress made by the process, or its final status. Just running a process and only logging via a text files or XL and without any WorkQ items makes no sense as you need to look outside BP to check if it even ran.
At my place of work we have a process that does not do anything case-related, it collects data, processes it, and does a final comparison that is reported upon. So instead of not using WorkQ items, we devised a WorkQ item for each of the most important steps executed by the process. A bit like this:
- Initialize folders
- Data collection system A
- Data collection system B
- Process data system A
- Process data system B
- Calculate & report
These steps are Initial Values in a collection that we load to the WorkQ when the process starts. The process reads each item, does its thing, and continues with the next. Also, the process stops when any given step fails. This turned out to be very handy later on when analyzing errors. Also, we now did have logs handy which would be harder to come by had there been no WorkQ items.
Happy coding!
Happy coding!
Paul, Sweden
(By all means, do not mark this as the best answer!)