Hi everyone!
I want to open a dicussion about unattended monitoring of processes.
Here I post you a simple query for the Blue Prism Database to see the status of the workers.
SELECT sessionnumber
, PROCESS.name
, RESOUR.name
, startdatetime
, enddatetime
, SES.lastupdated
, SES.laststage
, CASE WHEN SES.statusid = 1 AND DATEDIFF(minute,SES.lastupdated,getdate()) >= 5 THEN 'Warning' ELSE STAT.description END AS [status]
INNER JOIN BPAResource RESOUR ON SES.runningresourceid = RESOUR.resourceid
INNER JOIN BPAStatus STAT ON SES.statusid = STAT.statusid
INNER JOIN BPAProcess PROCESS ON SES.processid = PROCESS.processid
WHERE sessionnumber IN (SELECT MAX(sessionnumber) FROM BPASession GROUP BY runningresourceid)
I create another program to check every 5 minutes about the status. If the "watcher" see any "stoped" or other issue, it send me an email.
What do you think about this? I think it's awesome to have a robot watching the robot.
Pablo Sarabia
Altamira AM