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Error when fetching data from MS Excel

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Him I tried to get the data from an excel using MS Excel VBO and it throwed "Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Cannot find column 1." error when I called 'Get Excel as Collection(Fast)'. PFA of the flow I created. I tried with another excel sheet and it worked flawlessly but particularly for this excel its throwing this error

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P.s.: I found that the data in the title row or 'A' row of the excel has multi-line text and it didn't accept it once I made it a single line text. The code stage accepted it. But is there I way where I can eliminate the newline character when I'm exporting data from collections to excel?

Level 7
Vijay You should be able to do a 'find and replace'. I think the character code for a carriage return is 10. Perhaps try something like the below in a code stage: Replace(MyRange, Chr(10), """") Let me know if you need a complete code stage, but certainly try to build one using the above snippet. -Tom

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Thanks a lot Tom! That helped me indeed.

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Hi Tom, would you be able to supply me with a complete code stage please? I have attempted to build my own but to no avail. Thanks.