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Level 4

I have some data in an excel file which have values like "12345,67889" i.e. numbers with each 5 digits separated by coma. When I import data to collection and export to excel, the value in the excel file are changing to "1,234,567,889". Is there a way I can keep the formatting the same way as "12345,67889" ?

When I check inside the collection they appear to be fine as "12345,67889".

Please advice.

Thanks in advance.

Swetha Devaram
RPA Developer
Health Markets

Level 10

This is because Excel is parsing entered input as number

Edit the Format Cell Action of Excel VBO to :

GetWorkbook(handle,Nothing).ActiveSheet.Range(cellref).NumberFormat = format

Just converted the (cellref,cellref) to (cellref) so we can work on range and not a single cell.
Pass cellref as A:B or whichever column your data will be going into and format as '@' (without quotes) in respective data items

This will convert column A and B into 'Text' columns in excel, then you can write data to it using write collection and excel won't convert your data

Gopal Bhaire

Thank you so much Gopal.

Swetha Devaram
RPA Developer
Health Markets

Hi - I am facing a similar issue as well. In my case I am copying elements from the screen using Global send keys (ctrl+c), opening the workbook and pasting the data using Paste(Basic) of MS Excel VBO. In this process the numbers such as 6731900236050 are being converted to 6731900000000. When i try to retrieve the values from the file, i am getting 6.73E+12.  I tried format cell like you suggested before pasting the data into the workbook but that did not help. Do you have any suggestions for this particular issue?

Maneesh Vemula
RPA Specialist

Format the column to type "Text" before pasting the data. It should work.

Sandeep Nalla
Senior Consultant
Lateetud Inc