07-05-21 05:55 PM
07-05-21 06:08 PM
07-05-21 06:15 PM
07-05-21 07:25 PM
07-05-21 07:34 PM
You can try using conditions, find this OR this one, try this
"[Division name] <> 'Storage Software Consolidation' OR [Division name] <> 'Value here'"
You can nest various conditions such as [COLUMN1] <> 'Valor one ' AND [COLUMN1] <> 'Valor two'
07-05-21 07:44 PM
07-05-21 07:56 PM
16-04-24 12:02 PM
Can I use this both operand together: '<>' and 'LIKE' to retrieve rows from the collection that do not contain text fragment in a given column, e.g.:
"[Division name] <> LIKE '*Software*'"
I will be grateful for your advice.
16-04-24 01:20 PM
For this, you would have to use the "NOT" negation operator:
"[Division name] NOT LIKE '*Software*'"
16-04-24 03:46 PM
of course :-), many thanks