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Exposed Web Service fails After migrating to Version 7.1

Level 3

Hi There, 

We recently upgraded web services from v6.4 to v7.1, and finding a strange issue that Web Services that were exposed that were working before, isnt working properly. 
Even more stranger is that this issue is seen ONLY IN APPLICATION SERVER MACHINES, and not in runtime machines. 

Here is the image when we access WSDL from the Application Server browser : 

But when the same URI is tried in Resource Machines, its listing the WSDL properly. (Please note : BP Version is same in resource machine and App Machine) 


Any idea what might be causing this issue in App server, after upgrading to version 7.1 ? 


Hi Rohith,

It would seem that if the web service call is working in Runtime Resource machines but not from your Application Server machine, this could be related to an environmental issue. However, it's not clear how you're accessing this from the AppServer machine (via a Studio open in an AppServer Interactive Client?). 

For this type of issue, we would be best-placed to assist in a Support ticket containing the required troubleshooting information.