The best way to deal with your scenario is:
1) Set Maximum attempts to 3 or more than that based on your requirement while creating the Work queues in the system manager.
2) While marking the item as Exception, make force retry as True so that the bot automatically retries the case.

3) The output of "
Mark Item as Exception" would be
"New Item ID". You can lock this new item ID and defer the case so that it won't get picked up instantly and will be worked at later stages.

4) The other option would be to tag the "
New Item ID" with a new tag and just work on it at the extreme end of the process.
5) The last option would be to set the priority of the "
New Item ID". If you set the priority to be of low priority then this case would be looked up at the end hence you get enough time to fix the application issue.
Hope it helps
Ritansh Jatwani Senior Consultant
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