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Global sendkeys for SPACE BAR

Level 3
hi, I am trying to perform filter operation in excell ,as a part of it I need to send (SPACE BAR ) as a keystoke. any help will be appreciated , Thanks In advance.

Level 4
Hi Prasad, The quick answer is to use the 'Global Send Keys' rather than 'Send Keys Events' using an input of ""{SPACE}"" however, there may be a better way of applying filters if you can give me a bit more information around your intentions for the data and what format it is currently in. Many Thanks, James

Level 3
Hi James, I tried using ""{SPACE}"" but this will not work for both 'Global Send Keys' and 'Send key Event'. I just want to filter data in excel where I want to select some data, so trying to achieve this using Space bar to check the checkboxes there. Thanks

Not applicable
You should activate it before sending the key . /Kiarash

Level 4
Hi Prasad, Out of interest are you sending these keys via the MS Excel VBO provided by BP or have you created something of your own to interact with Excel? Thanks,

Hi James, I haven't created any, but using surface automation we can work with Excel by interacting with the menu items there. but here we cannot access the rows and columns actually,but selecting would be possible using send keys. Thanks

Level 15
The Space Bar as a keystroke is simply "" "" because it is just a text character like any other keybaord letter, rather than a control key. If you are trying to use the Space Bar as some kind of control key (i.e. to press a button) it probably will not be possible - because when using Send Keys or Send Key Events you are sending characters to the entire appliction rather than individual elements (which is why the element needs to be active first). The best way to press a button is by sending a global click rather than a space.

Level 3
Hello Everyone, Please use space in quotes "" "". Hope it will work. Regards, Atul