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How to capture image for a specific screen co-ordinates (dimensions)

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I want to access web application and a. Capture any visible section as an image and save the image into word document b. Scroll the browser screen, to make a section visible and capture the section as an image and save c. On a given page, capture image for a specific screen co-ordinates (dimensions). Please suggest if there is any specific VBO for screen shots.

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Hi Anitha, I suggest you review the Surface automation training. You can build an object, then use SA to capture a specific region or you can also set the XY to capture image and return them to the process. Thanks, Hari

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Hi Anitha, I suggest you review the Surface automation training. You can build an object, then use SA to capture a specific region or you can also set the XY to capture image and return them to the process. You can also build an object that will send {PGDOWN} for scroll and take the next screenshot. As an alternative, BP also provides a screenshot utility that you can get from a BP POC. Thanks, Hari

Level 3
Hi Anitha, There is a utility called Image Manipulation. In that VBO, you can find an action for searching sub-image (which you want to search) in a big image. a) And you want capture visible section:- this you can do it with read image and store that in a dataitem and you can place it anywhere you want b) this is also as same as [ a) ] c) In this given page, you spied anywhere and make it screen boundaries dynamic in application modeler and you can pass that particular element which you want to capture , boundaries to it by using data items.(image recognition ).