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How to remove comma "," as a delimiter

Level 2
Hi all, I am currently working with data and cash balances from a notepad. All of my information is separated by tabs (the spacing when you hit tab) however the cash balances look something like this i.e. (458,119.74). I am using the MS Excel VBO "get worksheet as collection" object to import the data into a collection and the code thinks that the comma found in the cash balance is a delimiter and separates them into 2 columns. I tried playing around with the code by replacing the comma with a space to no avail. Thanks for your help! Dim ws as Object = GetWorksheet(handle, workbookname, worksheetname, False) ' Do we have a sheet? sheetexists = ws IsNot Nothing ' No sheet? No entry. If Not sheetexists Then Return ws.Activate() ws.UsedRange.Select() ws.UsedRange.Copy() Dim data As String = Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData(DataFormats.Text, True) ' The data split into rows Dim asRows() As String = Split(data, vbCrLf) Dim table As New DataTable() ' Set a flag indicating the header row Dim isHeaderRow As Boolean = True For Each strRow As String In asRows If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(strRow) Then Replace(strRow,",","") Dim fields() As String = Split(strRow, vbTab) If isHeaderRow Then isHeaderRow = False For Each field As String in fields table.Columns.Add(field) Next Else Dim row as DataRow = table.NewRow() For i As Integer = 0 To fields.Length - 1 If i < fields.Length Then row(i) = fields(i) Else row(i) = "" End If Next I table.Rows.Add(row) End If End If Next worksheetcollection = table

Level 9
Hi How about making every item enclosed by quote? It might make things easier.

Replace the comma's with a '.' and then save the document into csv format and perhaps this could work?

Level 5
In the code you could replace "","" by Chr(9) which represents a tab character.

Level 15
There are actions in the String and File Management utility objects for importing CSV files (rather then Excel documents). I would recommend experimenting with those actions, they will either work for you or require you to create your own version based upon them for tab delimitation rather than commas.