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How to send and Retrieve Data from Command Prompt by using Code(C#)

Level 6
Hi team, i need to call command prompt and send required commands to execute it has well as retrieve data based on its response from code Activity(c# code). i am not able to achieve it through code. is someone tried this ???if yes then can you please share your thoughts or code from your side. thanks

Level 15
Take some time to go through all the utiliity objects/VBOs that are distributed with the Blue Prism product - it is part of the recommended training path. The environment utility object includes a couple of start process actions that can be used to run command lines. If you need to also retrive the output you could pipe it into a text file that you could read (using one of the other utility objects) or you could create your own version of the start process action that returns an output.

Hi Denis, Thanks for the Reply Actually i did try to implement the above approach by using the existing VBO but then i was not able to retrieve the data from command prompt where i got empty value .so thats what forced me to try another option ie writing a direct C# code to fetch and Retrieve data from Command Prompt . Thanks Manoj