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How to share the session data between the multiple resources?

Level 3
We are working with multiple Bot's for the same process. So we need to share the session data like Collection internally between the Bot's.

So is there any way to share Collection  data for a particular session within multiple Bot's.

Level 10
Hi Niranjan,

Though I'm not sure about the ask here i assume multiple bots needs to work on same file (collection) in a way each raw can be an independent input for the process.
if this is your scenario you can achieve this by using work queues.

if its not the scenario you have in the problem statement, can you explain the same so that we could understand it better.

Level 3
Hi Jose,

Actually, we have a one scenario, multiple Bot's gets the input data from database & filter it to get unique record (i.e. the record is not processed successfully in the previous run's using work queue).  
So they can load unique data into the same queue. But right now, multiple Bots start the processing at a same time & get the same data from database. So we are not able to filter it using work Queue. 

So for this purpose, I need to share the Collection data present in that session with other Bot's session. 

Level 7
hi Niranjan,

Why don't you split process in 2. 
First process (scheduled to execute on 1 bot) will gets the input data from database & filter it to get unique record (i.e. the record is not processed successfully in the previous run's using work queue). 
On successful completion of first process, second process with multi-bot architecture will trigger with rest of your process logic.

Level 3
Hi Manish,

Yes, we have tried that solution, but when main bot goes down due to some issue, other Bot's also not able to process the data using Work Queue.  So it was not the prefect solution to achieve the SLA for the process. 

So we are thinking to use the sharing of session data available in the Collection between the resources. 

Level 7
hi Niranjan,

No worries; for queue you can write logic with env. lock so that one bot can add necessary data for process and if any bot has acquired lock means .. queue is getting populated and can keep other bot on wait till queue is populated and move to next actions of processing queue items.