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IBM Personal Communications Mainframe - How do you send the mnemonic sendkey for "SHIFT + F1"

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I am currently trying to send "SHIFT + F1" to the IBM Personal Communications emulator but to no avail. I've gone through all the training docs and IBM manual, but they don't seem to help with multi keying and also the SHIFT key isn't to be found anywhere. I COULD use global send key events instead, but I also have trouble explicitly focussing on the emulator! Help would be much appreciated! Regards. WK

Level 4
Hello , From your description i understood that you are not able to activate IBM personal Communicator application. 1. Create another activator VBO as we do for windows applications 2. Attach to the program ""PCSWS"" 3. Create action to activate and send shift F1 4. Call this action in your Personal Communicator Mainframe VBO.

Level 15
Different mainframes have different keyboard mnemonics, Blue Prism is just exposing the hllapi interface but for up to date documentation on keystrokes for a mainframe you are using the best place to go would be documentation available from that emulator vendor. For example, if you do a google for 'ibm hllapi sendkeys mnemonics' the first result will be an IBM page that gives you the keystrokes relevant for their emulator.

Not applicable
Thank you guys! Your help is much appreciated 🙂