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In internet explorer, write stage or GlobalSendKeys update but the application doesn't post those value later

Not applicable
In internet explorer, spied table cells (with dynamic path - HTML mode) of a sharepoint application. Manual keyboard inputs get recognised properly but the write stage inputs or the Global Sendkeys do not. 'write' stage shows the text entered correctly in the table cell but appears as if the "post" function doesn't recognise the inputs while posting the page at the end. With global sendkeys, the input characters sent don't even show up in the cell. Pls refer to the file attached...the first column (19/02) has 8h entered manually but last column (25/02) has value 8h entered using write stage. At the bottom row - Actual Hours , one can see the difference - no value in the 25/02 column. 

The web application will have been built with human users in mind, and probably cannot 'sense' non-human input like the Write stage. I would guess there is some sort of event handler that reacts to keystrokes and that is how the app 'knows' there has been input. GSK should work and GSKE definitely should work, provided you are using it correctly. 1) the application must be in focus 2) the cursor must be in the field 3) you must separate Activate, mouse click and key stroke with small pauses, otherwise BP will execute those steps too quickly for the app to react. Once the cursor is in the right place, try GSK or GSKE with the root element of Application Modeller.

Level 2
Noticed a similar problem in one of our web applications, the solution were to send keys as you probably did where the input displayed successfully.. but as a pre-step i had to focus each field too, my guess in my case it were some kind of server-side triggering needed. How i solved it: Navigate stage: Element mapped via AA - Action Focus Write stage: Element mapped via HTML - Enter desired data Post the form in any desired way