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Forum Posts

Not able to Add a REST Web Service

I am using Add service (System->Objects->Web services->Add Service) to consume REST Web Services. The error I am getting while adding REST Web service is: "Could not understand the web service described at

Output from Excel to Collection is wrong

I use the Get Worksheet as Collection MS Excel VBO to extract information from an Excel sheet to a BP collection. But I have a problem with results from one column showing the wrong value, for example "1,0001E+12" rather than "1000005835442". The pr...

IBM Notes 9 Social edition

Hi All, I would like to automate process where the Lotus Notes DB of requests are the starting point. When I started the application thru the Application Modeler button 'Launch' application is started, but button doesn't change to 'Identify'. So I ...

Using Azure LB for high availability

Hello,   I have two application servers (v6.1) and an Azure load balancer in front of them. When I point the clients' connection to application server everything works as expected. However when the connection is set to point to the load balancer's ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Hello , What are the default VBO's present in Blueprism Application??? --- Naveen

NaveenG by Staff
  • 1 replies

BOT getting stuck in PROD

Hi, I have a process in PROD which has been running smoothly for quite sometime now with no issues. But now a days the process gets hung while exection & does nothing. Once we login to the VDI the process resumes, which is kind of weird as I have ne...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Use of Wildcard

Hello, Can some help me with "what is use of Wildcard entry in Blueprism"?? --Naveen

NaveenG by Staff
  • 2 replies

Get Worksheet Range as Collection

When i am trying to get any excel column as range from mid,say 1000 to 2000,it is taking 1st value as column name.If i need to add all the values 1st value would be wasted and also i cant access the collection as column name will change for different...


Is there is any functionality via which i can set a read email as unread with the help of Mapiex?

Service Now Application Spying Issue with Blue prism

Hi Team, When we are trying to highlight the some of the elements in blue prism for service now application which we have spied in Active Accessibility mode , Blue prism is crashing eveytime .Attached the log file. can you please help me in this. ...