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Issue to run process on another Client PC

Not applicable
Hi, we have configured 2 system, one as Apppserver and another as client. In control room, we can see both PC, but on appserver same apserver status = "online" and Connection "Yes-connected" and other system state "online" connection "No(Private)" and vice -versa. To see both system oniline and connected, do we need to do any configuration for this.? please find the issue snapshot for ref.

Level 15
All new installations/clients/teams should have a trained technical architect/lead to help with installation/network/connection issues - if you do not have a trained tech lead I would raise that as a project risk. By any chance is your (Private) resource running as the full logged in Blue Prism UI rather than as a resourcepc mode?  Running Blue Prism full UI product rather than using the /resourcepc switch effectively means you are running it available for the logged in user only.